Northfields & District Play Association
summer 2023
Summer is our busiest time of year and our longest holiday scheme. Every year our staff come together to create some great ideas for activities and trips that will benefit the local children. This year we had over 300 new registrations and we was busy from week 1 all the way to week 6. The amount of amazing feedback we had from parents really reflects the hard work we put into improving our summer holiday scheme every year.
We collaborated with some great companies/people such as
-MakeChange inclusive sports ( 4weeks of sports coaching)
East Leicestershire Police ( Visited the children and allowed them to dress up, sit in the cars and ask questions)
We also took the children on a range of trips, such as lazorforce, CliffLakes outdoor water park and Drayton Manor. The trips creating ever lasting memories and are great for building on the childrens social communication and mental wellbeing.